Neil Patel’s Legacy In His Own Words
After Neil’s passing, a podcast he had recorded at Penn State surfaced to the family two days prior to the funeral. In it, Neil beautifully summarizes his world view and the qualities of a modern knight that he embodied. To his family, this podcast was priceless in that it exemplifies the kind and positive soul that they had always hoped he would become and share with the world. A quote below from the recording and a link for your listening.
“This I Believe”
“Now we have to treat the people that make up our lives with respect. So continue to open the door for another person. Don’t pride yourself for being the nice guy just because there are men that treat others through cruelty, because acting with respect should be the standard, not the exception. Remain humble and treat others around you the way you hope strangers will one day treat your children. Be a Knight. Be a man.” - Neil Patel